Middle East (MNN) — As of October, there are over 4 million refugees in the Middle East–from Syria alone. But it doesn’t end there. There are another 3 million displaced from Iraq. These people didn’t ask for the wars and violence destroying their homes and lives.
While many refugees are fleeing to Europe, not everyone can afford the costs to go.
Can you imagine what it’s like to flee, to give up everything?
Sitting in our comfortable homes, it’s hard to know where to begin, to make a difference. Thankfully there are organizations like Global Aid Network, who, although they can’t do everything, they can do something.
Last week GAiN and the First Presbyterian Church of Levittown teamed up to pack meals for refugees in the Middle East. Nearly 225 volunteers showed up to pack over 43,000 meals. While the meals are simple, beans and rice, they’re enough.
For the church, it’s a way of sending hope to men, women, and children who have very little.
The church is still working to cover the costs of these meals. If you would like to be a part of this gift, click here.
If you want to see how you can team up with GAIN, click here!