Int’l (MNN) — What if your simplest needs couldn’t be met? How would you go about your day differently? There are many around the world who live like that on a daily basis. You can help make a difference, though.
Jerry Haag from Orphan’s Heart says, “I ask and pray to God to send people, to send funds to send resources to be able to meet the physical needs of the people. Let’s not be guilty of the way it talks in the Bible about The Good Samaritan. To be able to say, go and be blessed.”
Haag continues, “We need to be the ones to reach out to meet those needs. We’ve been given that mandate by Jesus Christ, by God our Father. So pray that Jesus will be real and evident to the people there through resources that people are able to send to meet physical needs. And when those physical needs are met, man the love of Christ is spread in a fantastic way.”
This Christmas you can bring joy, and hope to someone in need just by giving so their needs are met. There are also many opportunities around your community to reach out to someone. Plant that seed of hope and Christ’s love in someone’s heart this Christmas. Pray many lives will be touched and impacted so Christ’s kingdom grows abundantly.