Mexico (MNN) — In Latin America's third largest country, God's Word is going forth in growing numbers.
According to Operation World, evangelical Christianity is growing in Mexico. Many are seeking a true faith beyond the spiritism and empty religious practices that surround them.
Audio Scripture Ministries translation, recording, and distribution projects have withstood the tests of persecution, natural disasters and civil unrest. Now ASM missionaries are making headway on several projects that need your prayer to reach completion.
In southern Mexico, the Nahuatl multi-voice New Testament recording needs ten different voices, but few readers are willing and able to do the work. A different project in the region also needs readers to record and edit 3 New Testaments.
Pray that God prompts able people to get involved to help finish all of these projects. Pray that political problems would be resolved so the Nahuatl New Testament can be recorded locally.
In Oaxaca, Proclaimer audio Bibles are being distributed in 15 different language groups. Most of these groups are hearing God's Word for the first time.
Click here to provide an audio Bible for a community that needs to hear the Good News.
Pray that people would come to Christ as they hear the message of salvation in their heart language. Pray for the availability of more Megavoice players.