Pro-life ministry means valuing what God values

By March 19, 2025

International (MNN) LIFE International is taking Christ to the global mission field created by abortion. In 164 countries, their ministry partners are praying for and working towards transformation. Through training events, personal coaching, resource development, and direct care, they are calling church communities to value life, and they are supporting them every step of the way. 

Zac Kadou is the Director of International Ministries at LIFE International. He says one of the biggest challenges in their international work is to raise awareness about abortion’s devaluing nature. 

“Sometimes we have to open pastors’ eyes to see how life is being devalued or to see how different worldviews are impacting how we’re acting or treating image bearers of God.”

The team at LIFE International knows life begins in the womb. 

“Once you can recognize the value of life there, it’s much easier to value life all the way throughout from conception to natural death,” Kadou says. 

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LIFE International’s world partners are involved in ministries that value life from start to finish. Several European partners are especially focused on engaging the elderly in their church communities. 

“How can we be honoring to our elderly? How can we incorporate them into our family structure into our system in a way that truly values them and walks with them in that time of their life?” Kadou asks.

The Global church is hungry for Gospel clarity on matters of life. In the West, Kadou points out that the issue of abortion is drawn into the political realm. LIFE International hopes to shift the paradigm. 

“We see this as primarily a Gospel issue,” he says. “We see the value of life as something that is established by God.”

When abortion is addressed from a spiritual standpoint, Kadou says the church will see change – sometimes in the most difficult places. In Israel and Gaza, for example, LIFE International’s partners are looking beyond the lens of conflict to see people for whose image they bear. 

“They’re pushing toward reconciliation and they’re trying to see a world where God’s perfect peace is reigning supreme,” Kadou says. 

He points to prayer as the reason this ministry has been fruitful. Before every training, the team dedicates 30 days to prayer. 

“We make sure that the local body is praying for any training because we recognize that what we’re talking about is transformation. It’s spiritual work. It’s work that only God can do.” 

He asks you to pray too. Please ask the Holy Spirit to give ministry partners the proper words in due season, and pray that their ministry of life and reconciliation would fall on fertile ground. 

Featured image courtesy of Ben White via Unsplash

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