USA (MNN) — We’ve talked before about EveryCampus and their goal for all college campuses in America to be covered with a prayer walk. Volunteers sign up with EveryCampus to walk a campus near them and pray for spiritual revival among the students there. But once you’ve prayer walked a campus, then what?
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship is one of 150 ministries in the EveryCampus movement. As a next step, they’re encouraging churches to build relationships with college students and empower young Christians to reach their peers with the Gospel.
InterVarsity evangelist York Moore says later this year on EveryCampus’s website, “We’re going to be releasing a series of free premium content — resources that are going to empower everyday people to do what InterVarsity and Cru and Chi Alpha and all of the rest of the collegiate ministry organizations have been doing for decades.
“We’re giving away the best of what we have so that we can empower the Church to reach more students for Christ.”

(Photo courtesy of Element5 Digital via Unsplash)
These free resources will include a downloadable guide on how to identify a person of peace, build a relational network map, and grow an outreach team.
There will also be coaching centers opening soon so collegiate ministries can support churches in outreach with college students.
“I think in the past, the idea of partnership with these parachurch organizations in the Church has been, ‘You give us money so that we can go do what we’re the experts in doing.’ That is not the philosophy of InterVarsity or the EveryCampus movement,” Moore says.
“Partnership has to increasingly look like, how do we celebrate and empower and champion the best of who you are and the best of what you have to get the job done? Not just give us the check so we can go away and do it for you. But how can the Church now begin to do what InterVarsity and Cru and the other organizations have been doing for a long time?”
If we’re going to stir spiritual revival among young people today, it needs to reach beyond the church building. And young Christian college students need the support of the entire Body as they represent Jesus to their peers.
“A church can actually have a campus ministry in the walls of their church. But our hope and dream really would be, wouldn’t it be awesome to see a Gospel movement on those campuses so students can reach students for Christ in the dorms, in the cafeterias.”

(Photo courtesy of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship)
Stay tuned for college outreach resources on EveryCampus’s website.
More than 2,000 colleges still need someone to do a prayer walk on their campus. Could that person be you?
Find a college campus near you to prayer walk here!
Meanwhile, on-campus or off-campus, please keep praying for college students. Pray for young believers to be connected to the local Church and grow in their faith. Ask the Lord to give them courage and wisdom as they represent Him.
Header photo courtesy of Ryan Jacobsen via Unsplash.