International (MNN) – Ramadan is beginning with turmoil and upheaval in several of the Muslim-dominated countries around the world.
It’s the Muslim holy month where followers of Islam pay special attention to their religious duties as they seek out God and truth. Ramadan comes from the Arabic word ramida or ar-ramad, meaning “intense scorching heat and dryness, especially the ground.” Some Muslims say it’s because Ramadan scorches out the sins with good deeds, as the sun burns the ground.
However, it’s also been a traditional time where other religious minority groups have seen a sudden spike in persecution, stemming from the Quran’s commands to eliminate Christians.
With all of the turmoil plaguing the Middle East and North Africa, many more Muslims have been asking deep questions and getting answers from the Bible. As a result, there are reports that man are coming to faith in Christ, making this an especially daunting time for Muslim converts to Christianity (AKA ‘MBBs’—Muslim Background Believers). Many will have to resist the pressure from family and friends to recant their new faith.
Between that and the search for truth, Ramadan represents an opportunity to talk about Christ.
Muslims fast (one of the five pillars of Islam) as an act of faith and worship towards Allah, seeking to suppress their desires and increase their spiritual piety. Fasting together as a worldwide community – Ummah – affirms the brotherhood and equality of man before Allah. The key here is: community.
Operation Mobilization, the Voice of the Martyrs, Open Doors, and many other ministries active in the Muslim world are calling believers around the world to pray during this special time. Many Christians want to participate in this prayer effort but don’t know where to begin.
“30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World” is specifically designed to help you do just that. This prayer guide is a 30-page booklet that focuses each day on a specific area of the Islamic world. As you pray, you’ll gain knowledge and understanding of the Islamic culture and a heart for the people that transcends the headlines.
Also, would you be willing to join with Christians around the world for the next 30 days to pray? Pray that Jesus will reveal Himself through an increase of dreams and visions. Also, pray that God would reveal creative ways for followers of Christ to be both bold and loving with their Muslim neighbors.
How do I order, receive and donate for the 30 day of prayer for Muslims in Ramadan?
Hi Mrs. Coles, thank you so much for your interest! If you’d like to order/receive the Muslim Prayer Guide, simply fill out this form https://www.mnnonline.org/donate/ and then hit “Submit” at the bottom of the page.
If you need further help, please don’t hesitate to give us a call at 800-284-9361.
I am prepared to pray for Muslims daily during Ramadan, not only in my city but worldwide. In this time of their seeking spiritual growth, may our merciful God draw them to Him in answer to our prayers. I believe we will see a great harvest. God is love, and He loves Muslims. May He give us the grace to love as He loves.