USA (MNN) — Persecution in India is on the rise. And yet, God is at work.
“We are in a time that is unprecedented in history for what the Holy Spirit is doing in India,” said Todd with Grand Rapids, Michigan-based Mission India at a recent two-day event.
“The Gospel is doing so many amazing things, and many people are coming to know Jesus Christ.”
Persecution in India
On Open Doors USA’s 2015 World Watch List, persecution in India is classified as a “severe.” As stated online, India’s new government “is radicalizing society,” and hardline Hindus are making life difficult for believers.
However, as shared by Voice of the Martyrs USA last month, believers are holding fast to their faith. As they do, the Lord works through them to bring the spiritually lost to His side.
God at work
According to the latest International Mission Board update, India is home to some 1,200 unreached people groups–approximately one million people.
But between 2010 and 2014, Mission India reports, the presence of evangelical Christians increased dramatically. Persecution in India may be growing, but so is the Body of Christ.
“The Holy Spirit is using Indian Christians to start churches, to transform their cities, their neighborhoods, their villages, and the entire nation of India,” said Todd.
What it means to YOU
Thanking God for His goodness amid increasingly-difficult circumstances in India wasn’t the only goal of Mission India’s 2015 Banquet of Praise. Leaders also hoped to stir guests to action.
“God is calling us,” said Todd. “His call on all of our lives…is to see that everyone in this world comes to know who Jesus Christ is.”
MNN was at the event and got the reaction of some guests afterwards.
“When John [DeVries] organized Mission India, we heard about it, and I went on the first Pastors’ trip with him. Mission India does not send missionaries; they use people in India. That’s one of the [group’s] strong points.” — Arthur Besteman, long-time banquet attendee
“I think it’s more than worthwhile to support. I most certainly will be back (next year), and I might even sponsor my own whole table!” — Nancy Aukeman, first-time banquet attendee
“I can’t think of any better way to spread the Word [of God] than using the people from India. It was definitely a gift of the Holy Spirit that led us to go for this, and we have been supporting them for years. As a matter of fact, we’ve got them in our will!” –Cindy Herweyer, first-time banquet attendee/long-time supporter
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