Taiwan (MNN/SEND) — How much theological training do you need to introduce someone to Christ? There is no requirement; your life speaks louder than your words. Wai Jing is preaching the gospel with her life.
Gary and Mabel Meades, workers for SEND International, met Wai Jing in April of 2008 at Dongshi Baptist Church in Taiwan. She was dependent on illegal drugs and heavy prescription medications.
Wai Jing started attending a regular Bible study held by Mabel and eventually gave her life to Christ. Gary and Mable asked supporters to pray for real change for Wai Jing, that she would be rescued from her addictions. By the grace of God, she is a new person. Her testimony now impacts her family and her co-workers.
The grace and power of God has changed a woman who was once drug dependent to a loving follower of Jesus.
Because of Wai Jing’s faith, many of her relatives have come to know Jesus as their personal Savior. The true power of Jesus has been shown in the faith of an ordinary woman.
SEND workers were also apart of another young man’s testimony in Chang Hua City.
When Irene went to English class, Bible study, and church, her boyfriend Louis would come along to be with her. Irene seemed to be the one most interested in spiritual things. No one would have guessed Louis would be the first to trust in Christ and be baptized. At church Louis was persistent; he asked questions and listened to the messages. SEND workers said he would often stop by their house to talk with them so he could know more about how he could follow Christ.
Three months later, Louis carried through his decision of following the Lord by being baptized. Irene has yet to put her faith in Jesus, but SEND workers are praying she will soon profess her faith in Christ as well, to join Louis in serving the Lord.
Chang Hua City is one of the 60 cities and villages that SEND International of Taiwan has identified as the least-reached areas. They ask for prayer for their workers and that they would continue to impact the people around them with the Gospel.
SEND International is working on an outreach strategy called Vision 119. 1-1-9 is also the emergency number in Taiwan. Adopting this number as the new vision is a reminder of the urgency to reach the lost. It is an emergency call for 119 workers to help reach the lost of Taiwan by planting 60 churches in the least-reached areas. We ask you to consider giving to this ministry or going on a 119 Vision trip.