International (MNN) — Christians face all kinds of challenges when they attempt to spread the Gospel, especially to other countries. That’s something Christian Resources International has been facing as it works to bring God’s Word to nations with little or no access to it.

(Photo courtesy of CRI)
CRI recently shipped a sea container containing nearly three million dollars’ worth of Bibles and Christian books to Nigeria to be distributed for free. The problem is, Nigeria’s Muslim president is preventing his people from receiving it.
“Really, what’s happening is people are getting in power who are not only not fearful of God, but haters of God, and it’s trying to keep us from sending the Word of God or people sending in relief to help people,” CRI Executive Director Jason Woolford says.
CRI faces a similar issue in Kenya. Despite having two sea containers full of Bibles and Christian books ready to be shipped to its distribution center, CRI lacks the funding to send them. And time is running short.
“Their elections are coming up in October, and that’s when things become quite honestly very spiritual,” Woolford says. “In our country, when elections happen, they usually browbeat or use words to tear each other down, but a lot of these other countries, they literally go to blows, and sometimes go to civil war. So our recipient on the other end is asking, ‘Please get this Word of God sent to us so we can get it released so there’s no problems.'”
CRI responds to situations like these by training and discipling believers on the ground to grow in their faith and impact their country for Christ. Woolford asks that you come alongside CRI in this mission.
“When we go into countries around the world, our hope is that…we go in and we tell people about Christ, and we win them to the Lord. Then we disciple them and teach them the importance of getting involved in politics, so that way we have good, godly people who are in leadership, so we can continue to do work in those countries,” Woolford says.

Joseph is partnering with CRI to bring God’s Word to Kenya.
(Photo courtesy of CRI)
“I first and foremost want each person to pray first for our country, and then also for the countries that we’re sending stuff to, and that Christians would rise up and get into these positions of power so we can continue to send the Word of God.”
Funding is another one of CRI’s great areas of need. Without the proper finances, CRI cannot send its containers to Kenya and other countries.You can help fill this void by clicking here.
“Much like the disciples and throughout history, we’re always thinking that the coming of Christ could be any day,” Woolford says. “But when we look at the news and prophecy and other things that are taking place, it concerns me that we have literally materials sitting, waiting, that could be given away for free in other countries to someone who can’t afford it if someone would just come alongside and sponsor those.”
Another great article on CRI