India (MNN) — Christians are still facing intense pressure from Hindu radicals in India’s Rajasthan State. Yesterday, militant Hindus threatened to take over a hospital and orphanages run by Hopegivers International, but that didn’t happen.
Hopegivers’ Michael Glenn. “Police did help keep the militants back. They did come and surround the facilities and apparently they are now very upset with the police and the chief minister of the state over there and now they’re putting them in an awkward position saying that they’re betraying the Hindus.”
Initially the police were helping the Hindus, so this is a huge answer to prayer. Glenn says the situation isn’t over as Hopegivers founder MA Thomas and President Samuel Thomas are still underground. He says one of them was nearly attacked by a radical mob. “Doctor MA Thomas was just missed by 30-seconds, I’m told. 150 radical anti-Christians coming in a lynch mob form. They invaded the house where he was staying with the family. He just escaped by 30-seconds.”
While the situation remains tense, Glenn says Hopegivers is rejoicing for one very good reason. “We’ve gone from a handful of churches to over 20,000 churches and graduating over 10,000 students, that are going to go out and have an impact on the kingdom. So, we know Satan wants to stop this dead in its tracks.”
Christians helping in both locations have vowed to keep the militants out even if it costs them their lives. Glenn is asking people to pray. “You know that they’re getting pressure from friends and other sources in their own community. They’re getting threatened, frankly. So, we need prayer for them to be emboldened and encouraged.”
According to Glenn, breakthroughs are being made slowly. “We see some action on the part of the local government. We also know that the U-S State Department is investigating this as well. So, we’re having an impact at different levels.”