Sudan (MNN) — The government of Sudan continues its persecution of Christians. Armed police in 9 vehicles arrived at Khartoum Bahri Evangelical Church in the early morning hours December 2. The authorities broke through the main gate of the compound, beating church personnel and worshippers. Two were beaten severely. 38 believers were arrested for refusing to surrender the property to authorities, eyewitnesses said.
Arab Baptist Theological Seminary reports that a Sudanese judge released them and said they had done nothing wrong, but a second judge fined each of the members 250 Sudanese guinea.
Police first attacked the Khartoum church Nov. 17 when they bulldozed through a church wall and destroyed several homes inside the church compound.
Six months ago, the Sudanese government put a ban on building new churches. According to BBC News, a Sudanese government minister said there were already enough churches for Christians.
Kori Elramla Kori Kuku, a general secretary of the Sudan Council of Churches, told Christian Century, “We have the right to have new plots of land and building of new churches. We need the churches for the growing of Sudanese Christians.”
Kids Alive Sudan Field Coordinator Francis Tombe said in a previous MNN story, “Everything is getting tough in Sudan. Christians are facing a lot of persecution.”
Despite mounting pressure on believers, Kids Alive staff is committed to remaining in region and continuing their outreach to Sudan’s children.
It’s estimated that 10% of these children are orphans, and many children live on the streets or in refugee camps. Many are subjected to children labor. Lacking medical care and clean water, some are taken to “camps” where they are forced to convert to Islam. Nearly one in four children die before their fifth birthday.
Kids Alive is committed to caring for as many children as they can, for as long as they can.
Kids Alive believes that the ministry of Jesus was holistic in nature and that He would be concerned about the empty stomachs of children as much as their empty hearts. The ministry of Kids Alive is focused on fulfilling the physical, emotional, AND spiritual needs of children through Christ-centered care, education, and ministry
Pray for protection for Kids Alive staff, for the children in their care, and for the believers who are being persecuted for their faith and their love for God.
Click here to help Kids Alive provide for vulnerable children in Sudan.