(MNN) — Teen Missions' Zambia
ministry is seeing fruit. Facilitators
in Mibende are working with about 200 orphans in school.
Most of them were not in school before Teen Missions
came. Many of them have since learned
how to read and write. Mibende is in a remote area, but because of Teen
Mission's sponsorship and support with the Orphan Rescue Units, there is hope
for the kids' future.
This outreach is designed to meet the needs of children who
still live in their home villages and attempt to farm the land that had
belonged to their parents.
The goal is to set up an 8' by 12' portable housing
unit staffed with two missionaries (many of them graduates of our overseas
Bible schools) in villages with high orphan populations. It is our goal to have
16 fully operational units in rural Zambia
and Zimbabwe
in the next four years.
And how does it impact the children? Writes one facilitator in Mibende:
" One boy named Amon had stopped going to school
because of lack of support and had stayed at home for 2 years. He came to Teen
Missions and asked for help to be back in school, we have been able to help him
and he is now in eighth grade. He works hard and is one of the best students in
his class. He has gone from a boy who was stranded and down, to a leader in his
school. Thank you Teen Missions."
Teen Missions trains, disciples and mobilizes young people
to make an eternal impact for the Gospel.
Today, a large number of participants are in full-time Christian
ministry serving the Lord worldwide as pastors, teachers, Christian authors and
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