Middle East (MNN)–SAT-7’s David Harder says despite the unrest in the Middle East, they’re looking forward to growth that could take the hope of Christ further into the Persian world. “What’s happening is that SAT-7 is really becoming a network.”
The potential to reach further into the Arabic world is staggering. Having their own programs on a dedicated channel means their audience potential is staggering. “Now, we’re splitting into two channels that has one SAT-7 Arabic, 24-hour channel, then SAT-7 PARS, which is our Farsi or Persian language service that also includes some Turkish. In the future, in 2007, we hope to have a third channel in Arabic for kids.”
This holiday season SAT-7 will air many specials designed to bless their audience. The team will start ramping up production of children’s programs in January 2007, and by March, hope to grow their current block of children’s programs from one to two hours every day. This will continue to grow to four hours a day by September.
Exciting plans taking place against the backdrop of war. Harder urges people to pray for peace in the region not only for the people, but also for the sake of local ministries like SAT-7 that are being effected.
He says the launch of SAT-7 Pars was successful, but the work is just beginning. “Over the long-term, what the challenges will be, will be to continue to create programs, to have the funding, and to create more programs within Iran. We’re very excited that we do have programs, we have music videos, we have teaching programs.”