USA (MNN) — The Planned Parenthood scandal is topping headlines again.
A monsoon of controversy surrounding the nation’s largest abortion provider began last week, and it’s not subsiding anytime soon.
The Center for Medical Progress’s second undercover video spotlights yet another Planned Parenthood senior official. Full footage can be found here.
According to CMP, the official “haggles over baby parts prices” and admits to changing abortion techniques to preserve fetal organs. As outlined in this article, U.S. law forbids doctors from changing abortion techniques for any purpose, including research.
The Planned Parenthood scandal in brief
The Planned Parenthood scandal is dividing activists, advocates, and U.S. presidential candidates among clear-cut, pro-life/pro-choice lines.
The Players
As described on its Web site, The Center for Medical Progress “is a group of citizen journalists dedicated to monitoring and reporting on medical ethics and advances.” Its chief project, “Human Capital,” is led by 26-year-old David Daleiden.
Daleiden is criticized by many for his active involvement in the U.S. pro-life movement.
Describing itself as a “healthcare provider,” Planned Parenthood is also known as the largest abortion provider in the U.S. A significant portion of Planned Parenthood’s services, including abortion, are underwritten by U.S. taxpayers.
The group’s 2013-2014 annual report reveals more than 40% of its funding came from “Government Health Services Grants & Reimbursements.”
The Game
CMP’s “Human Capital” project aims to unveil illegal Planned Parenthood abortion and fetal tissue procedures. While shorter versions of this investigative footage are criticized and critiqued by pro-choice media, CMP makes both versions of its footage clearly available on its “Investigative Footage” page.
The full versions are lengthy but give further context to statements contained in CMP’s summary videos.
For example, Planned Parenthood’s Senior Director of Medical Research, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, is on video describing how she has used partial-birth abortion to preserve the organs of babies for research.
Partial-birth abortion has been illegal since 2007.
Planned Parenthood execs consistently dodge this bullet by focusing media attention on the legality of fetal organ “donations.” This video by President Cecile Richards is one such example.
Officials refused multiple requests by Fox News to discuss this aspect of the debate.
What’s at stake
The Planned Parenthood scandal raises questions about the sanctity of human life. When does life begin, and is every life precious?
One former Planned Parenthood clinic director found new answers to those questions during an ultrasound.
“I was shocked at what I saw,” Abby Johnson told the Washington Times. “I had been told by Planned Parenthood that the unborn had no sensory development until 28 weeks gestation. So to see a 13-week fetus trying to actively move away from the abortion instrument during that procedure was very shocking.
“It really caused me to [ask], ‘What else have I been misled about through this organization?’”
As the debate over unborn lives continues, your prayers are needed.
- Pray that discussions about the Planned Parenthood scandal will lead to conversations about Jesus Christ, the One who died to save EVERY life for eternity.
- Ask your small group to keep this issue a focus of regular prayer.
- Pray that God’s Truth about life is revealed to all involved parties.
- Pray for expectant moms who are considering abortion.
- Ask the Lord to protect pro-life ministries who take a biblical stand on sanctity of life issues.