International (MNN) — There is a great gap in the world of Christian missions.
According to Pioneers USA, there are currently 2.7 billion people–nearly a third of the earth's population–that have little or no meaningful access to the Gospel. Leading missions experts also say that, of all the foreign missionaries serving around the globe, only one out of every ten is actually ministering among these 2.7 billion unreached people.
That means roughly 90% of missionaries are serving people groups that already have access to the Gospel.
Pioneers wants to change that outlook and step into this gap. Pioneers missionaries are faithfully going out to the least reached corners of the earth, taking the Gospel to individuals from all walks of life.
To continue this work to the least-reached, Pioneers has created the "Close the Gap" Campaign. This 2012 initiative will help Pioneers provide greater security for missionaries in some of the most dangerous and needy corners of the earth. It will also fund training programs for missionaries as they seek to grow as church planters.
Above all, it will help Pioneers send more workers to join the missionary teams they already have in the field.
Pioneers has secured $475,000 in a matching gift for the Campaign.
To help Pioneers in their efforts to close this missions gap, click here and support the campaign.