USA (MNN) — According to some missiologists, seeing the Great Commission completed in our lifetime is possible. However, it will require many people to do the work. Without willing people to go to some of the most difficult places of the world to share Christ, the work won't get done.
Mission Aviation Fellowship is an integral part of helping complete the Great Commission and they, too, need people.
Manager of Recruiting for MAF-US, Ron Hilbrands, says, "Our greatest needs are in the aviation area. Presently we are looking for 15-20 pilot/mechanics every year to expand some of our existing programs or to just cover other areas where we might lose people here and there."
Mechanic specialists are especially needed as more technologically advanced aircraft are added to the MAF fleet. Turbine engines in the new KODIAK airplanes require that mechanics have specialized training to help repair and maintain those aircraft.
MAF staff serve around the world. Hilbrands describes the areas of need. "We have many opportunities for people to serve in places like the Democratic Republic of Congo, Lesotho, Mozambique, Kenya, and in the Sudan — areas of huge need."
While pilots and mechanics help MAF accomplish its mission, teachers help keep the missionary families on the job. Hilbrands says, "We hold teachers in high regard on the mission field. If your kids are struggling academically, or if there are problems that you're having because of educational things, it can bring people home from the field."
MAF is recruiting certified teachers to help teach MAF children in one-room school settings up to large school settings.
MAF is recruiting personnel at missions' conferences and at the World's Greatest Aviation Celebration–AirVenture–in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, July 25-31. "There are a number of organizations that are involved in missionary aviation, and we work together in places like Oshkosh to provide a united front to give people an understanding of missionary aviation in general."