Peru (MNN) — Battering rains, flash floods, and landslides are still wreaking havoc in the lives of people in northern Peru. At least 78 people have been killed and over 100,000 have lost their homes in the devastation since January. But the floods have gotten worse over the last two weeks. The storms have also destroyed crops, schools, and livelihoods. Washed out bridges and roads are delaying aid efforts.

Flood devastation in Peru. (Photo courtesy of Christian Aid Mission)
These floods and storms are the worst to hit Peru in over two decades, with rains ten times stronger than usual. And there’s still no end in sight, with more rain expected in the coming weeks.
However, Rosa Contreras Hart, the Latin America Area Director for Christian Aid Mission, says the Body of Christ in Peru is taking action.
“A ministry that Christian Aid Mission supports in Peru is already providing relief in the affected area. They know the language and the best way to reach with the Gospel to their own countrymen. Even though the ministry meeting hall was damaged by these torrential rains, the congregation has started reaching out to the flood victims.”
She shares, “They have already begun to provide fresh drinking water, canned food, clothing, and a New Testament to flood victims. The ministry leader that I spoke of, he said, ‘As the Lord provides, I have decided to continue to help in the area where we serve in northern Peru.’

(Photo courtesy of AMG International)
“He also added, ‘We know that this is the best moment to share hope in Christ with so many people affected by this natural disaster.’”
While the ministry leaders are providing aid, they need our help. You can support disaster relief to flood victims in Peru through Christian Aid Mission here.
And Contreras Hart asks for one more thing. “Please pray for Peru as the flooding, landslides, and torrential rain have affected many villages, leaving many people without housing and food.”
Pray for the rains to subside in Peru so that rebuilding and relief may start in full. Ask God to give the local ministry His wisdom and strength as they use their resources and time to be Christ’s ambassadors of hope to others.