Middle East (MNN) — The first thing that comes to mind when thinking about women in the Persian-speaking world is a face covered with a black veil that keeps them from sight. Though it hides her true face, it shows the true situation of women in the Middle East. Too often the true life, needs, problems, and hopes of Persian-speaking women are veiled and ignored.
It is said by a principal leader in this region that "the specific task of women in this society is to marry and bear children. They will be discouraged from entering legislative, judicial, or whatever careers that may require decision-making, as women lack the intellectual ability and discerning judgment required for these careers."
A married woman in this culture can't travel, work, join organizations, go to college, or even visit her friends and relatives without her husband's permission. Expectations on their lives are firm and dictated by their relationship to men.
Trans World Radio says women in the Middle East are particularly open to the powerful message of salvation through Jesus Christ. They seek a life pleasing to God and a relationship with a God who is loving and personal. Change in the lives of these women will lead to a transformation of communities throughout the Persian-speaking world.
To reach these women, TWR produces a radio program especially for them, to encourage their hearts and teach them about the Bible, as well as to help them deal with daily issues from a Christian perspective.
Please consider partnering with us in this important ministry to Persian-speaking women. A gift of just $28.50 will cover the costs of one minute of life-changing broadcasts. A gift of any amount will touch the hearts of women in the Middle East with the healing love of Jesus.