Iran (MNN) — God is bringing gospel hope to Iran, even in the unrest and conflicts Iran is involved in on a world stage.
Still, life is hard for Iranians, especially Christians. As the good news of Jesus spreads, so too do new persecutions.
Peter Smith, a representative for the Persian-speaking world, says the number of arrests of Christians has gone up in the past several months.
“People who thought were safe in their groups are no longer safe. When they go out the door, they’re fearful that somebody will be looking for them to arrest them,” he says.
It doesn’t look like the pressure will lift anytime soon. Iran’s March 1 elections have given hard-line officials continued power.
Smith says that although protests are not happening now like they were last year, “there still is the thought that ‘The government is not the answer. We need something else. So what is it?’”

Representative stock photo courtesy of Pouya Hajiebrahimi via Unsplash
It is none other than the eternal life Jesus gives.
“If you want to boil it down to one word, it would be hope. People see that there is hope in the gospel,” Smith says.
The simplest and most powerful thing you can do for Iran is pray.
“For those who have been arrested, pray that they can be a testimony and light in the prisons that they’re in,” Smith says.
For young Iranians searching for something to live for, pray for dreams and visions of Christ that would draw them to Him.
Finally, pray for Christian resources to reach kids.
“There’s a large population of single-parent families inside the country. For these young mothers who need something to help train that second generation of believers, pray that the resources that are available to them can get to them so that as their children begin to understand who Jesus is, at an early age they’ll say yes to Him,” Smith says.
Expect great things in Iran. God has always been “the One enthroned in heaven” (Psalm 2:4 ESV), and He is building a people of His own in Iran.
Header photo is a representative stock photo courtesy of Amir Hosseini/Unsplash.