International (MNN) — Hopegivers International is living up to their name by making their Web site more effective worldwide. They re-launched the site earlier this week.
They have work developing in Haiti as well as Malawi, Africa. "We have a chance to really highlight and show more of what's going on, up-to-date, because that's the world we live in right now," said Michael Glenn of Hopegivers.
With increasing security issues in India, providing updates is a precarious task that has hindered their attempt to keep themselves accountable. "We need to be more
accountable as to what we're accomplishing. And sometimes Satan will try to use these issues like the persecution to cause problems and then people don't hear anything and you know the old proverbial out of sight out of mind issue," said Glenn.
The new Web site is user-friendly to keep visitors better connected."So you can monitor, not only what's happening but then God can use that for you to better understand you know, as the Holy Spirit prompts you, where you wanna help," Glenn
In the near future, they would like to offer direct audio from their partners overseas. The new site will also have blogs and daily devotionals that churches, small groups and friends
can use. By communicating in this way, they can prompt people to help in any way they can.
By fall, they want to offer more mission trips via their site. Future mission trips may be more specified in areas such as medical or construction. "There are other good things we can do that are there for the long haul and make a difference than just taking pictures with kids and other things. It's always good to bless these children and we get blessed in return but let's leave something there for the long haul," said Glenn.
"We just need to be challenged to be more effective with our Web site and then, in turn, whatever resources and the revenue that is brought in by people blessing us with their financial
support makes an impact better than ever and does more for the Kingdom," said Glenn.