Thailand (MNN) — A family of five was recently forced to flee their home country in South Asia to avoid certain death. When they arrived in their new home, however, they discovered that life wasn't much easier.
Obaid Wasti ran a business and was the associate pastor of music in his home country. His family lived well. "Every day I bring lots of things home for my children," says Obaid. But that's not the case anymore.
The Wastis were attacked and threatened multiple times before deciding it was time to leave. The family was accused of converting people to Christianity, a crime punishable by death in their nation, according to Baptist Global Response.
After several death threats to the family, men finally stormed the Wasti home.
"They tied up me and my brother and took us into one room," 13-year-old Julie Wasti recounts. "They beat my mother and father so hard and told them not to tell others about Jesus anymore or else they would kill them. That's why we ran away from there."
The Wastis fled to Bangkok, Thailand in search of asylum, only to be met by further obstacles. BGR reports that Thailand is one of five countries that does not honor the international human rights laws protecting those who flee persecution and seek asylum across international lines. Instead, the Wastis are considered illegal migrants. They live in constant fear of being arrested, so they stay in a small cement-block bedroom they rent.
Yet the Wastis continued to faithfully pray for the Lord's provision. His answer came in the form of a small Baptist Church.
Another refugee gave the Wastis an address for a place known to help people: Calvary Baptist Church. The Bangkok church welcomed the Wastis with open arms. As Obaid shared and prayed with BGR partner Martin Chappell, another church member packed a food basket for the family using food from the Southern Baptist World Hunger Fund, coordinated through BGR to help refugees.
The Wastis still live in a windowless room with no furniture except for a bed. They hang their clothes from a rope stretched across the room. But the family is grateful for God's provision.
Julie says, "Now we have more food. Papa found Calvary Baptist Church. I know they love us like Jesus."
It's a stunning example of the body of Christ in action. You can be a part of this important Kingdom work by helping more refugees through the World Hunger Fund. Your prayers are also needed. Pray for God to use the Wastis' story to bring many people to eternal life.