USA (MNN)–When back-to-school time rolls around, Operation Blessing delivers school supplies by the truckload.
Since launching Back-To-School efforts as part of the Bless-A-Child program, more than 790,000 at-risk students in the U.S. have receive the supplies they need to start the school year better equipped to learn and excel.
While the program is not overtly evangelistic, it does provide participating believers an opportunity to share their faith in Christ with those they reach through it.
But OBI wanted to do more than an annual project. The poverty these children face is year-round. In response, they launched a program that features ongoing instruction and testing at OBI centers across the nation.
Many have after-school programs already in place, such as OBI partner ministry Lights of the World in Philadelphia.
Through their academic enrichment programs, teams have found a way to minister to the entire family. Adult classes such as computer training, GED completion and financial management leave a lasting impact on individuals, families and the community.