USA (MNN) — He started on his 4,000 mile bike trip August 1. Troy Love biked all the way across the United States to raise money so people around the world could hear the Gospel. The trip concluded earlier this week in Yorktown, Virginia.
After going through knee replacement surgery, Love said God gave him an idea: "Hey Troy, this is what you can do. You can bicycle across America with the knee you've got now, and you can raise donations to purchase Proclaimers," which Troy had heard about from his minister.
Love says the Proclaimers were produced by the audio Bible ministry Faith Comes By Hearing. "It's a solar and crank-powered audio Bible that is recorded in over 400 languages throughout the world. And each one of the Proclaimers will reach 90 to 300 people," he said.
According to FCBH statistics, Love says, "90 people will come to know Christ as a result of a Proclaimer throughout the world."
Love's trip across America has just started impacting Faith Comes By Hearing's work. "We've raised over $40,000 to acquire the Proclaimers and get them into the hands of people. That equates to over 27,000 people who will come to Christ as a result of it," said Love.
While the trip is done, the fund raising isn't over. Love says he's being invited by churches and other organizations to speak about the need for Proclaimers around the world. He hopes they'll be able to reach their goal of 1,000 Proclaimers by the time his speaking schedule is over.
The purpose of the trip was to raise money for Faith Comes By Hearing, but Love had no idea he'd be able to witness to a biker on the trip. "I was planning on riding solo, and 20 miles outside of San Francisco I met up with a 23-year-old from Anaheim, California who was riding to Texas. Ronnie rode all the way to Kansas before he turned to go to Texas."
Love says he was able to witness to his fellow rider and even went to church with him.
Traveling across the United States opened his eyes. "It has truly showed me that there is a need, not only all over the world, but here in the United States: there are lost people."
Love hopes his trip not only inspires people to give to Faith Comes by Hearing, but that they'll get excited about sharing their faith in their neighborhood.