Peace in the Mid-East stalled by politics…not by faith.

By September 23, 2003

Middle East (MNN)–Efforts to jumpstart a stalled peace process in the Middle East have met with little cooperation.

Trans World Radio’s Hannah Shahin says of the tensions, their ministry grows through a hunger for peace that gnaws at the people. However, there is a downside. “It also limits involvement because one thing we have sought to do over the last few years is to get the local Christians involved in the ministry. So, conflicts do tend to limit how much they’re willing to be involved or sometimes, they affect them more negatively, and they just leave.”

Shahin says those who stay to share the hope of Christ are especially in need of prayer. “Pray that we’d have a larger impact on the lives of many, many listeners. Pray for a bolder witness from within the local churches that exist and pray more churches would get involved in the radio ministry.”

Trans World Radio has faithfully broadcast the good news of God’s love to the Middle East for more than 40 years.

Currently, TWR airs programs to the Middle East via several powerful AM and shortwave transmitters, including one in Central Asia. Many Middle Eastern people listen to radio programs transmitted from stations outside their own countries.

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