International (MNN) — How familiar are you with spiritual warfare? Dave McIntyre with Set Free Global, a division of Set Free, says Christian leaders worldwide lack the skills to address spiritual warfare.
“Pastors are seeing the devastation firsthand, and they’ll ask us, ‘How does this work? What do I need to teach? How should we focus our ministry to lead people in[to] spiritual freedom and fight in the spiritual battle?’” McIntyre says.
“Often, these principles are not being taught in the seminary.”
McIntyre speaks from personal experience. “I went through seminary. They didn’t prepare me at all for spiritual warfare; many seminaries don’t, and that’s where it needs to be done,” he says.
“Missions agencies need to prepare their candidates for the field where the spiritual battle is very real.”
That’s why McIntyre wants to present Set Free’s biblical material in seminaries and the pastors’ conferences that frequently request Set Free speakers. Learn more about Set Free’s approach here.
Every principle outlined in Set Free’s spiritual warfare manifesto comes directly from Scripture.
“We’re talking straightforward stuff: repenting of the sin that we have in our lives, forgiving the people who have wronged us, understanding humility before the Lord,” McIntyre says.
James 4:7 is an overlooked yet critical key to victory. “‘Submit yourself therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.’ – That’s not something we’re supposed to know. It’s something we’re supposed to do,” McIntyre says.
Pray that doors will open in seminaries worldwide so Set Free Global can teach Christian leaders about spiritual warfare.
“Satan has invested an awful lot worldwide to destroy people and to destroy the Church. This is a time for us to take back ground,” McIntyre says.
Header image is a representative photo depicting a small church in eastern Africa. Photo courtesy of Rohan Reddy/Unsplash.