Colombia (MNN)–A report released this month shows that pastors and church leaders in Colombia are the frequent targets of violence, kidnappings, and assassination attempts.
This same report detailed several assasinations, attempted assasinations and mulitple assaults. The violence against believers usually involves leftist guerrillas, far right paramilitaries and even members of Colombia security forces
Voice of the Martyrs’ Todd Nettleton returned from the region Tuesday. He confirms the persecution, and offers this compelling reason. “When the church is effective, the guerillas are less effective, particularly among the young people. As young people come to Christ, and are discipled and become strong in their faith, they’re no longer susceptible to being recruited by the Marxist guerillas, so pastors in those areas that are effective at reaching people for Christ are targeted by the guerrillas.”
VOM bought a plane to reach the guerillas with the Gospel. They began their campaign to reach them by dropping copies of Richard Wurmbrand’s book, ‘Jesus, friend of terrorists’. Translated into Spanish, it reads ‘Jesus, friends of those who take up arms’.
“We’re dropping these books into the guerilla territory, we’re also in partnership with a radio ministry and we’re dropping little solar-powered radios into these guerilla camps that are pre-set to a Christian station where they can hear the Gospel and where they can hear good, quality Christian teaching.”
VOM is printing thousands of books to be delieverd not only to the guerillas, but also to the paramilitary, and the armed forces of Colombia to strengthen and plant the Gospel in those areas.
The response, he says, has been warmly enthusiastic. Discipleship often comes with a price though. He urges prayer for the nation of Colombia, for courage for pastors, and those invovled in evangelistic work.
Click here if you want to help get involved in VOM’s ministry in Colombia.