Congo-Kinshasa (MNN) — There's good ministry news coming
from the Congo.
Fred Vinton with
Grace Ministries International has successfully
restarted a lay pastor training program in the region. Five men who lead churches
in the Kipaka area attended the first module.
Until the next module later this month, these men are
teaching what they learned in their churches. Pray for the team as they prepare
the lessons for the second module. Another
team member, Bill Vinton, will be spending two weeks in Kindu teaching at the
the Bible College.
The Congo is GMI's oldest and largest mission field. Four
missionaries work with the Grace Church in Congo in the areas of evangelism,
church planting, education, literature, medical work, and community development
Leaders for over 500 churches are trained in their fully-accredited Theological College, Pastors' School, and 16 Bible institutes.
A large medical center with two Congolese doctors is functioning
in a Muslim area where there is a focus on planting churches in the surrounding
unreached people groups. One teacher training college, 75 high schools, and 145
grade schools are run by the national church.