(MNN) — Association of Baptists for World Evangelism's David Southwell says a
Brazilian pastor is moving toward shared vision for sending missionaries to the
Portuguese-speaking countries in Africa.
What makes this a natural fit is that the project focuses on
a group of nations in Africa who share a heritage with Brazil. Southwell notes that during the days of slave
trade, there were more Africans taken as slaves to Brazil
than to Central and North America together.
This pastor developed "Multi-Cultural Ministries Maranatha"
to train new missionaries, and the program will soon be ready to launch. "Hopefully in the end of this year, or very early
next year, two couples will be on-site, and they will focus their first efforts
at Cape Verde Island. These two young couples will be heading out and beginning a church plant in
the city of Praia,
which is the capital."
Southwell says ABWE is recruiting missionaries to work with
the Brazilians in this project, which currently focuses on Cape Verde Islands. One team will spend a year in
language training in Brazil,
followed by another year in orientation with the Brazilian mission boards in Fortaleza before joining the Cape Verde team.
However, the pastor is intent on training toward evangelism.
"After we go to the Cape Verde Islands," says Southwell, the pastor "has
a desire to look at someone going to Angola. We have already made some contacts in Angola
for people who want Angolans, who study even at our seminary in the city of
Sao Paolo to be able to build some bridges and relationships there so
they can fulfill their dream."