(MNN) — On July 2, Chinese police evicted prominent house leader Pastor Hua
Huiqi and his family from their rental apartment in Beijing.
Led by Officer Yang Jian, the PSB officials used a 10-pound
hammer to break down the doors of the apartment. They proceeded to beat Hua's brother,
severely damaging his eye. The family,
including Hua's 90-year-old father, was left on the street. A Christian family in Beijing is hosting the family as they search
for a new home.
In the meantime, the Chinese government intends to keep Hua
in detention until September 30, when they Olympic games will be over. It is determined to prevent Christians, whom
it has labeled "troublemakers," from attending the Olympics in August.
"The Chinese government is determined that there will be no
distractions and no embarrassment when the eyes of the world turn to Beijing next month," said
Todd Nettleton, Director of Media Development for Voice of the Martyrs.
"Our Christian brothers and sisters, like Brother Hua and his family, are not
‘troublemakers,' as China's
government says. They are simply Christian people who want the freedom to
follow Christ according to their conscience."
Hua's 76-year-old mother, Shuang Shuying, is still in prison
after being attacked and detained along with her son a year and a half
ago. Hua completed a six-month prison
sentence, but his mother is still serving a two-year prison sentence.
Shuang Shuying has been moved to a medical facility due to her poor health. She suffers
from heart problems and diabetes, as well as other medical issues. According to VOM contacts, the police are
holding her in order to put pressure on Pastor Hua to reveal names and
information of believers.