SE Asia (MNN) — As governments talk, one group is rushing to the aid of Rohingya refugees in Southeast Asia.
An estimated 6,000 to 20,000 Rohingya from Myanmar/Burma took to the sea months ago to escape severe ethnic persecution. Now, countries in Southeastern Asia refuse to let them in, and time is running out.
In Jesus’ name, Partners Relief and Development is bringing food, water, and other relief supplies to refugees stranded at sea.
The back-story
Hundreds of Rohingya families took to the sea months ago to escape dire circumstances in Myanmar. When their typical escape route was cut off by Thai officials, the Rohingyas’ only option was to flee to the Andaman Ocean or Malacca Straits.

This mother is suffering from tuberculosis and without medical intervention is likely to die.
(Image, caption courtesy Partners)
“Muslims in Burma’s westernmost state of Rakhine face such extreme oppression that they feel they have no other option but to leave–in many cases by any means necessary,” Chris Lewa, Deputy-Chair of the Asia-Pacific Refugee Rights Network (APRRN) told the BBC.
As previously noted by Partners, the Rohingya have needed help for quite awhile. Yet time and time again, precious few take action.
Why is Partners helping?
Through holistic action, Partners demonstrates God’s love to children and communities made vulnerable by war in Burma. Learn more about their work here.
They’ve been coming alongside the Rohingya, an especially-oppressed people group, for the past three years. Partners has increased their efforts as Myanmar’s government did whatever they could to eliminate the Rohingya.
As Partners workers care for the Rohingya, doors open to talk about where that unconditional love comes from: Jesus.
What YOU can do about it
In a recent e-mail, Partners co-founder Oddny Gumaer asked supporters for help.
“We need your prayerful support now more than ever,” she wrote. “Please join us in our mission to let the Rohingya people know that they are loved and not forgotten.”
You can pray using the points listed at the right-side of this page, and support Partners’ response to the crisis here.
This is the first I have heard of these forced drownings — I am appalled! Dear God! Please change hearts and minds and cause help to come to these people. Cause those who have been hard-hearted to change, by the powerful grace of God! In Jesus’ Name!
I’m a Malaysian and I and many other Malaysian condemn our government’s inhumane response to the Rohingyas.
I hope with the outcry from like-minded Malaysians, we can change the government’s mind about this.
I had not heard very much about these atrocities as well. I will pray for the Rohingyas, the Malaysian government, and all involved. For peace and healing.