Philippines (MNN) — Children come before and after school to AMG International's Banlat Childcare Center to receive balanced meals, help with homework, and the care of Christians. It is located in Metro Manila.
The cook and her helper purchase fresh food from the market before the first group of children arrive at 9 a.m. They will stay until lunchtime and leave for school, making room for the other children who arrive after school for lunch. Along with their meal, they will
receive a multi-vitamin tablet. There are 44 children attending the center daily.
Their day also consists of singing and Bible study. They learn verses together which they later recite to the director by memory. The children have memorized such verses as John 3:16, John 3:36, and Psalm 23. One girl even memorized all of 1 Corinthians 13.
The center has benefited not only the children but their parents as well. Many of the parents attend Sunday services at the center as well as a Thursday night Bible study
and Friday prayer meeting.
Since parents are often unable to afford to send their children to the center, sponsors are necessary. Many parents are in manual labor jobs and don't make much money. It costs $25 to send one child to the center for a month. Parents are very grateful for the opportunities their children get at the center. This includes medical care, school uniforms,
and school supplies along with the daily care.