Central America (MNN) — Despite the current pandemic, millions of people around the world are finding hope in the Gospel.
“The COVID issue has really impacted churches and the individuals, and even physical needs, but the believers there have taken those opportunities and found ways to continue to reach,” says Helen Williams, freight shipments coordinator with World Missionary Press. “Their faithfulness and their passion to show the love of Christ and include the Word and to get it to the people has been so encouraging.”
World Missionary Press has seen an increased demand for Scripture pamphlet distribution, especially in Central America. Current orders for this literature total 3.7 million across the seven countries in Central America that WMP works in, according to their website.
“There’s just a grabbing for it, if you will. Here’s something to believe in, here’s something that will answer the questions,” Williams says. “The booklets are just filling a need right now because they can be given and read individually.”

Photo courtesy of World Missionary Press
Many distributors work with WMP around the world, sometimes risking their lives to provide these booklets to those seeking God. “These people are just staying with the work and staying within the confines of what they can do. But God is showing them ways to continue to minister and to show the love of Christ and His word,” she says. “We have people on the ground that have been there doing this for years.”
COVID-19 has presented some problems with getting shipments of non-humanitarian items into most countries, but that has not stopped the Gospel from moving forward.
“Most of these – in fact, all – of these people have their own ministries. So they have warehousing and they have some distribution points in other cities,” Williams explains. “They are able to and willing and able to secure the material so that….the literature is safe and ready to go.”
Through WMP’s efforts, hope and salvation are getting to those who need it most. A major distributor in Honduras says, “People are looking for answers. No matter if we’re out on the streets giving out food through our feeding programs or counseling prisoners. Bible literature is invaluable.”
WMP is in need of prayer and donations to further their evangelizing efforts. “The Lord just continues to work and show how He is sovereign and His word is available,” Williams says. “If people are willing to look, He’s got all kinds of answers for us.”
Header image courtesy of World Missionary Press