Kenya (MNN) — A ministry team in eastern Kenya went from gathering in groups to praying in the street because of the pandemic. And they are seeing God move.
Kenya is a Christian-majority nation, but many of their people groups least-reached with the Gospel are in the eastern part of the country. Global Disciples exists to reach the least-reached with the good news of Jesus and grow disciples.
Global Disciples’ Barbara Gerhart tells the story of Sarah, one of their discipleship trainers from eastern Kenya. Sarah had a group ready to start ministry to the least-reached in their area, but then COVID-19 struck and they had to adjust their outreach plans.

(Photo courtesy of Michael Heuss via Unsplash)
“[Sarah] decided to set up a point where for a couple of hours they would be available,” Gerhart says. “People could come and have prayer with them. Her original intent was just a couple hours maybe once or twice a week.”
One older woman came to them with a cancerous tumor, and even though she was Muslim, she asked for prayer. A few days later, they found out God had completely healed this woman’s tumor.
From there, the word spread about this prayer team and the God they serve.
Gerhart says, “Within about two weeks, they’d had 20 people who had come to the Lord in this Muslim community. A new fellowship was growing and their prayer outreach ministry was turning into a daily, long-term occurrence.
“Sarah’s report is, ‘My Muslim community and the surrounding areas are more open to the Gospel now than ever before. My prayer is that when God intervenes to end the pandemic, we are in a position to reach out to even more Muslims.'”
Gerhart says, “It’s been very exciting to see how God took something that was very small and very limited and has expanded it, and that continues to grow.”
Please pray with Global Disciples that when the pandemic is over, hearts will still be open to God’s goodness and truth in the Muslim communities of eastern Kenya.
Learn more about Global Disciples’ ministry here!
Representational header photo courtesy of Global Disciples.