International (MNN) — Tomorrow marks a year since the World Health Organization first used the word “pandemic” to describe China’s COVID-19 outbreak. See our coronavirus coverage here.
Over two million people lost their lives, and much of daily life has changed in the past 12 months. One thing, however, remains constant: “The responsibility Jesus gave us, that Great Commission of getting the Gospel out around the world, has not changed,” Dave Meyers says.
“Even though we’re in this pandemic and it’s caused us to be more inward-focused, we’ve still got to take responsibility as believers to do what Jesus asks us to do.”

Help raise awareness by joining the “A Third of Us” campaign on social media!
Meyers leads ZimZam Global, a member of the Alliance for the Unreached. The Alliance helps believers and churches prioritize the Great Commission and unreached people groups. Learn more here.
“A third of the world [is] still denied access to the Gospel, and we have a responsibility to move a Christian body around the world, and particularly here in the West, to focus on that,” Meyers explains.
Definitions vary, but a people group is “unreached” if it has no way to access the hope of Christ. These communities have long been a priority for Myers. “My wife and I have been involved in global church planting for our entire married career, which is nearly 40 years,” he says.
“For 30 [of those] years, our sole purpose was to get the Gospel to those without access, especially [in] the remote, primitive villages.”
Despite centuries of progress, one in three people today still have no Gospel access.
You can help change that on May 23 – the International Day for the Unreached.
Each year, Alliance members organize an online event for the International Day for the Unreached. Watch last year’s recording here. The event helps believers everywhere learn how they can help bring the Gospel to people without Christ’s hope.
“Download the action guide,” Meyers suggests. “That action guide is a great, great place to find some next steps. Each family could be a part of seeing the numbers diminished from a third of us [to zero].”
Above all, pray. “The most powerful thing, the most strategic thing, that we can do is to pray,” Meyers notes.
“All the thinking, the whiteboarding, the brainstorming – there’s just nothing more powerful than prayer.”
Header image courtesy of the Alliance for the Unreached.