Pakistan plans internment centers following latest Balochistan massacre

By September 11, 2024

Pakistan (MNN) — Pakistan plans to set up internment centers for terror suspects in Balochistan, a turbulent province bordering Afghanistan and Iran.

FMI’s Nehemiah says, “Balochistan is the bleeding wound and burning land of Pakistan.”

Violence has risen in the border region since the Afghan Taliban came to power three years ago. Attacks numbered over 650 last year, with 23 percent occurring in Balochistan.

“These attacks cause the loss of innocent lives, widespread destruction of infrastructure, and severe disruption of daily life,” Nehemiah says.

The internment center decision follows a series of attacks that killed 74 people in Balochistan in late August. Gunmen shot at least 23 people after pulling them from their vehicles and identifying them as Punjabi citizens.

“The group’s ability to orchestrate such a complex attack raises significant concerns about the effectiveness of Pakistani intelligence,” Nehemiah says.

“These attacks across multiple locations point to meticulous planning and substantial resources.”

Gospel work continues despite the latest uptick in risk.

“Believers and the ministry partners FMI has are doing a remarkable job. Even in this difficult situation, recently, FMI distributed 50 (Bible) stories translated into their language,” Nehemiah says.

Now that you know, how will you respond? Connect with FMI here for tangible ways to help. Most importantly, pray. “Please pray for the church planters in Balochistan; ask God to give them strength, courage, and wisdom as they lead their congregation through challenging times,” Nehemiah requests.

“Pray that they would be filled with the Holy Spirit, preaching the Gospel boldly, and offering hope and encouragement to those in need.”



Header image is a representative stock photo of the Pakistan flag. (Photo courtesy of Pixabay)

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