Sri Lanka (MNN) — A new president with Marxist leanings leaves believers with an uncertain future.
Sri Lanka (MNN) — A new president with Marxist leanings leaves believers with an uncertain future.
China (MNN) — China Partner plans symposium for China’s Christian leaders
Philippines (MNN) — Working abroad calls for unique kinds of support for Filipino workers.
Iran (MNN) — The digital world is full of opportunities for reaching Iranians.
India (MNN) – Illness was pushing Vinati’s family into financial instability.
Iran (MNN) — Heart4Iran promotes spiritual freedom for Iranians.
Middle East/North Africa (MNN) — The Islamic State appears to have a far reach, but do they?
International (MNN) — Gospel workers will have a new tool in their hands before long.
Lebanon (MNN) — In this fearful time, Christians are standing for hope in Jesus.
International (MNN) — Is it the best of times or is it the worst of times?