Russia’s president gives a boost to one evangelistic ministry.
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A health program is assisting an evangelical mission agency in sharing Christ in counties closed to the Gospel. Medical Ambassadors International’s Terry Dalrimple says Community Health Evangelism, or CHE (chay), is a program they’re using in 42 countries. “It’s a strategy for bringing God’s love and truth to poor and unreached people around the world. It’s a health education program that teaches people how they can be healthy physically, emotionally, socially and spiritually. It’s also an evangelistic program that ministers to the needs of people by introducing them to Jesus Christ.” Dalrimple says their program is receiving favorable response. “Through CHE we’ve been able to work in areas that are otherwise closed to Christian witness, where missionaries can’t otherwise go. Community health is a concern to most governments in the developing world.” Dalrimple says since 1989, 170-thousand people have come to Christ through the program.
Elsewhere, native missionaries in India are reportedly taking the Gospel to the Hindu strongholds of central and northern India. Several evangelistic groups report that despite hostilities, many are open to hearing the Gospel. FEBA Radio, an outgrowth of the Voice of Friendship, works in partnership with HCJB World Radio. Together, they air weekly Christian programs to eastern India from Seychelles in three languages. Please pray that the people will continue to respond to the Gospel.
Voice of the Martyrs reports the arrest of three Ethiopian evangelists by Somaliland authorities. According to sources within Ethiopia, the group was taken into custody on proselytizing charges. The same three have been previously expelled by Somaliland authorities because of their evangelistic work, but they returned, believing that God has called them to minister in this Islamic region. VOM says there is only one church in the capital city of Somaliland, with only 9 Somali believers in attendance. Please pray for these the Christians in the area.
Meanwhile, missionaries are seeing success in their evangelism efforts at the Olympic games in Sydney, Australia. Gospel Literature Services Doctor David Crandall explains. “The entire Olympic Chinese track and field team came up to our folks and asked for booklets in Chinese. Then, a Chinese television station came up and wanted to interview our people. And, they interviewed a couple of our folksthere and we’re just hoping it gets shown on China TV.” Crandall says many are turning to Christ. He says they’re sending 65 additional staff to help with the outreach. “We will actually be involved in going out every day on the streets distributing the literature as well as talking and witnessing to folks about the Lord. And, then once the games are over, of course there’s going to be a lot of people still in Sydney, we’ll continue that.”
Young people and discipleship is the focus of Kids Hope USA, an outreach of International Aid. Constant training is part of what keeps the vision alive. Kids Hope’s Virgil Gulker says this past weekend’s training session was a crucial part of the anticipated future. “We were at Cornerstone University training 267 new Kids Hope USA mentors. The huge number of men and teenagers that were there suggests now that we are going to be able to really address the fatherless need of children as well.” Gulker explains how they work. “One of the privileges that we have is to be able to teach churches to be able to engage one to one mentors and prayer partners with at-risk public elementary school children.” The next training session for Kids Hope is slated for October 21rst in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
We turn next to Northern Ireland where Sammy Tippit Ministries is preparing for a week of evangelistic
meetings. Tippit is anticipating the conference adding that Northern Ireland is filled with stories of the 1800s prayer revival to extraordinary meetings of the great Irish evangelist, W.P. Nicholson. Tippit asks believers to pray that for work of God in Northern Ireland. At the conclusion of the Ireland meetings, the team heads to Ukraine next week for a pastor’s conference and an evangelistic summit.