Burkina Faso (MNN) — Scientists at the University of Oxford have developed a new malaria vaccine. Trials show 80 percent protection against the disease.
The vaccine will be cheap to make, and scientists hope to see 100 million made per year. It’s a crucial step in the fight against Malaria, a parasite that kills over 400,000 each year. Trials took place in Burkina Faso.
Christian World Outreach
Greg Yoder with Christian World Outreach says, “We see it a lot in Burkina Faso because of our mobile clinic there. But even in dealing with the young ladies at the Village of Opportunity, we’ve had them come down with malaria.”
“It becomes an issue, especially when they can’t get treatment or they can’t get to a mobile clinic out in the villages.”
Yoder says if someone comes into the clinic showing symptoms of malaria, they start treatment immediately. They don’t wait to get test results back.
The parasite, carried by mosquitos, can be especially dangerous for babies and young children.
How to pray
Pray the vaccine will be effective in slowing the spread of malaria, Yoder says. “And pray even for opportunities for us if it becomes available for us to use with our mobile clinic in Burkina Faso. And just pray that God will supply the funds that we need to purchase that if it does become available.”
Pray also that many in Burkina Faso would see the love of Jesus through this work. Support the ministry here.
The header photo shows a Anopheles stephensi mosquito, the only kind which carries malaria. (Photo courtesy of Jim Gathany, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons)