Pakistan (MNN) — The cyclone that tore through Pakistan earlier this month left more than two million people without homes. With the death toll more than 400 and counting, Food For The Hungry is responding.
Food For The Hungry has partnered with a local Pakistani ministry that they have worked successfully with in the past, and they're also working with other Christian organizations in the U.S.
Emergency food bags are being provided which will include things like rice, cooking oil and sugar. Hygiene kits, mosquito nets and jerry cans will also be distributed. Pete Howard of Food for the Hungry said jerry cans are "very important during flooding stage because the water is contaminated, and contaminated water can cause epidemics."
Howard said the greatest needs are food and shelter. "If people don't have to focus on where they're going to get their next meal or where they're going to lay their head, then they can begin trying to rebuild and trying to rebuild hope. And, as you know, people in disaster zones are also grieving from loss of life. So what Food For The Hungry wants to do is try to help meet those basic needs like food and shelter, and then we can also respond to the needs of the heart."
Overt evangelism would cause Food For The Hungry to be kicked out of the country immediately, so love is their mission. "In a Muslim context like this, Food for the Hungry's main role is to
show the love and compassion of Jesus Christ. Through that, people are drawn to their Creator," said Howard.
Food For The Hungry also helped after the earthquake that left 70-percent of Muzaffarabad destroyed two years ago.
Visit their Web site to see a list of prayer requests or to donate.