Nigeria (MNN) — According to a human rights report, over 1,400 Nigerian Christians have been murdered and over 2,000 abducted in the last 4 months. These crimes have been carried out by the terrorist army Boko Haram, or by Muslim Fulani herdsmen.
School attacks
Not only that, but Greg Kelley of World Mission says extremists have targeted Christian schools. “And it’s caused terror to these children living in these schools that aren’t in any way protected. They’ll Identify a school that they feel is a soft target. To get what I mean by that, just imagine a huge open field with no walls around it, no security. And many of those schools have had to shut down.”
World Mission has sent help to several schools, actually building walls around them to discourage attacks. It costs about 10,000 dollars to put a wall around a school. You can come alongside this work by supporting World Mission here.
How to pray
Be praying for young Nigerian Christians during this unprecedented violence. Kelley says, “We need to celebrate these young people who are coming to know Jesus because they’re reaching their generation. And that’s all the more critical in a place like Nigeria. So be praying for the young harvests that God is bringing in. And we need to also pray for the followers of Jesus to be multiplied in these places.”
Pray the love and courage of Christians will transform Nigeria into a land of peace. Kelley says, “It’s really a contagious thing when someone stands up courageously in the face of adversity and persecution for the Gospel.”