Sudan (MNN)–Optimism at Sudan’s peace outside Darfur is growing. Lee DeYoung with Words of Hope says people are considering going home.
In fact, one team member is going to take a job there. “In the past, southern Sudanese who were living in the South were reluctant to travel to Khartoum, the capital in the North. We’re seeing at least some evidence that people who, in the past, wouldn’t have thought to go to Khartoum, are now showing a willingness to go there, and perhaps even move there.”
Peace will go a long way toward supporting the growing church body. DeYoung says training and educational opportunities could even shift in-country. “In the long run, that should improve opportunities for outreach into Sudan.”
That will dovetail neatly into their work today. “We’re currently broadcasting in Dinka and Nuer, from shortwave transmitters outside the country.” On a combined basis, the Dinka and Nuer account for more than 2. 5 million people.
Historically, they have been Animist in worship but more recently have shown an extraordinary openness to the Gospel message. DeYoung says, “We hope that, over time, it will be possible for some local media outlets to be used in greater numbers. We are doing some broadcasting in Arabic in Khartoum.”