Latin America (MNN)–The International Bible Society reports that their Monthly Bible Reader is meeting with positive response in Latin America. The reader is reaching children there with the gospel on a regular basis.
The project came about as a partnership between Compassion International and the International Bible Society. Together, they launched a four-year children’s Bible-reading initiative, called Aventuras biblicas.
Each issue features a selected Bible story and study aids that include questions, activities, and games. The readers are generally used in classroom settings, with leaders from Compassion’s church partners facilitating the lessons.
For those children who typically fall between the cracks, there is outreach. Many times street children are overlooked. However, the IBS team is using ‘Encounters with Jesus’ to meet their needs in discipleship.
And, the needs are becoming more urgent with the spread of HIV/AIDS in Latin America. IBS’ ‘Reach 4 Life’ (R4L) prevention program will address this important issue in Latin America. A Spanish translation is underway.
With all that they’re involved with, it would seem the team would not have much time for other new project launches. Yet, they recently revised The New Living Bible in Spanish and Portuguese.
Pray these well-known texts will be powerful resources to help readers understand the Word of God.