Paradise Bound Ministries
orphanage story is about God opening doors.
(Photo courtesy of Paradise Bound)
Guatemala (MNN) — Many students pursue a foreign language minor in college with a specific purpose in mind. More often than not, the job or calling students had in mind when they started isn’t available after graduation.
If you fit that description and your “foreign language” is Spanish, Paradise Bound Ministries has a job for you–one that fulfills the ideal set forth in James 1:27: “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”
Paradise Bound needs help translating school curriculum for preschoolers at their Open Doors Orphanage. If you’ve had two or more years of Spanish in college, this could be a great opportunity for you.
Open Doors Orphanage is a blessing not only because it provides a healthy, comfortable environment in which to raise children, but it is also a place for the children to learn about having a personal relationship with God.
Paradise Bound named the orphanage Open Doors because God did just that in order for them to open the orphanage. They had friends telling them their calling was impossible to fulfill. The Guatemalan government said “no.” The enemy’s opposition embodied itself in many other areas, doing everything in its power to stop Paradise Bound.
But God called them on. The government changed its mind, and on November 2011, the ministry dedicated the orphanage to God and got the official certification to open their orphanage.
Through this ministry outlet, Paradise Bound seeks to raise children to know and love God so much so that they will go out into the world and disciple others. They want to provide a place that can protect, nurture, and restore children and their families through Jesus Christ. They want each child to reach their highest potential, joining in with the Body to be the hands, feet, and heart of our Lord.
Consider using your Spanish minor or major to shed a little light upon these precious children of God. If you’re interested, e-mail Heidi at [email protected] for more information.
I am drawn to this need. Would like to communicate it to my college volunteers that serve with us. Maybe even someday someone might be in our area south of Rochester NY to share with our kids. Thanks.
Is this translation work something that can be done from home or would the translator have to live at the orphanage? I am interested if it can be done from home. I am a former Spanish teacher.
Does this job require traveling to the orphanage or can it be done from home? I am a missionary who lived in Argentina for 7 years and am interested in this work.