India (MNN) — In 2008 and 2009, Christians all over India's Orissa state were targeted. Although attacks have subsided, persecution is still alive and well.
Last December, Mission Network News reported on the revocation of a lease by a Hindu landlord for the New Life Academy. It was necessary for the Christian school, a partner of Worldwide Christian Schools, to raise $100,000 in just four months sin order to build a new building for the students (many of whom live at the school) before they were kicked out.
We've been following the progress of the Orissa school ever since. Amazingly, the school gained all of its funding in time to build. Generous donors provided every need, and everything fell quickly into place.
Now, seven months after the school discovered they'd need to think fast, the new building is finally complete. Praise God that children will be settled into their new homes, and classes will resume as the direct result of endless prayers and generous donors.
The only thing left is sponsorship. If you would like to sponsor one of the children from the New Life Academy who has been through so much in the past few months, click here and find out about the Student Hope program.