Africa (MNN) – The e3 orality team of e3 Partners focuses on reaching oral communities in places where literacy rates are extremely low or there is no written language altogether. In these places, the orality team shares Christ’s love and hope through the story of the Gospel.
Oral Village Suffers Loss
In a village on the vast continent of Africa, an e3 orality team has shared the Gospel message through storytelling. Work in this particular location began in 2017. As the Gospel was shared, those who heard it passed it along and trained others to do the same.
“We’re receiving all sorts of really positive reception; a lot of other people were coming to faith…In 2018, they arranged for a follow-up training to really push these people along even further in their training and raising them up as really strong Christian leaders,” e3 Partners’ Marketing Communication Manager Jeff Johnston says.
However, a tragedy happened. Two African men involved in the training were killed in an automobile accident. This happened days before an e3 orality team was to provide the follow-up training for the village.
“This was an extreme tragedy and something that that really affected the whole village and caused a lot of grief. It was something that our morality team was grieved by as well,” Johnston shares.
“[But] they were also…afraid that this is something that could really derail these villagers’ faith in Christ and their exuberance for sharing His Gospel.”
Hope Perseveres
The follow-up training was canceled to allow for the village to grieve. However, those involved with the trip remained in touch with the village. Despite this painful tragedy, the villagers’ faith in God did not waver. And recently, e3 received a recording from this same village.
“It’s a recording of this child who’s no older than four or five years old. And he’s retelling the story that they call the ‘Who am I story’ from Matthew 16. This is the story of Jesus asking His followers ‘who [do] people say I am?’ and Peter responds, ‘you were the promised Savior, the Son of God’,” Johnston recalls.
“This recording is in their own native language. But you can hear this five-year-old child retelling this story with passion and with confidence. And even though we can’t really understand exactly what he’s saying, because of the language barrier, it’s captivating, it’s powerful to listen to him speak so confidently at such a young age.”
Johnston says at the end of the recording those surrounding the child are heard cheering. While heartache has pained this community, God has not abandoned it. Instead, He continues to make Himself known.
“God can reach people…even people…that don’t have access to the scriptures in their own language. It’s just incredible what God is able to do,” Johnston says.
Pray for this community as it tells of God’s faithfulness and makes the Gospel message heard. Pray for their hearts as they continue to move forward after the loss of these men. Finally, pray for their community as it grows in Christ.
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Header photo courtesy of e3p.