International (MNN) — Five years ago today, the world shook with the horror of the Islamic terrorist attacks on US-soil. “9/11” is a day that has changed history.
Carl Moeller with Open Doors-USA, says, at the time, he thought it was a wake up call for the American church, “but unfortunately, if it was a wake up call, most Americans rolled over and hit the snooze button.”
He continues, “We’ve kind of bounced back and forth between fear and apathy as a society. Our response to 9/11 has been either one of great fear of the terrorists, or apathy in pretending that everything is just normal and this is life.”
But the biggest impact has been on the worldwide church, says Moeller, and the status of the church worldwide in relationship with Islamic community, “There’s an increasing pressure on the Christian church in Muslim countries. And by that I mean really what’s happened is, with the 9/11 attacks, Islamic radicals worldwide have become more bold. And they’ve been more bold in carrying out their attacks on the Christian church around the world.”
Moeller says we’re in a spiritual battle for the hearts and minds of Muslims around the world, to show them the powerful love of Christ. Open Doors is doing that through Christians in those Muslim countries. “We’re involved in providing the church with the resources it needs, on the ground, to do the work that God’s called the church to do. We’re not asking Americans to do the kind of work that only a native Iranian or a native Iraqi can get done. See, our job is to support the local believers, to strengthen them where they stand, and to stand with them in prayer and encouragement.”
Later this month, Open Doors taking part in the dedication of a hospital in the area of Pakistan that was devastated by an earthquake last year. Moeller says that love and compassion are the best ways to reach into Muslims’ lives. “Muslims are turning to faith in Christ because Christians showed up and built a hospital and started to take care of their physical needs. You see Jesus calls us to love, not hate. We need to wage this battle as a battle of love, and I consider that one of our strategic weapons in this spiritual battle.”
It’s about finding our place and carrying out our roles in the Body of Christ, in the worldwide church, says Moeller, “God has called all of us to a unique role, and while we might admire the spiritual courage and faith of the local pastor in Pakistan who’s facing a mob simply for owning a Bible or proclaiming the name of Jesus Christ in his market, but we also have a role in the great Kingdom of God, and our job might be to pray for and to support the work that pastor is doing.”
“You see,” Moeller continues, “not everybody can be there. Not everybody should be there; if I can put it very bluntly. There are lots of places that an American face doesn’t do us any good, doesn’t help us. But when the local pastor there is able to stand up strong and we’re able to come alongside him with resources and encouragement and strategy, then God is pleased because we’ve taken up our part in this cause.”
Pray for Christians in Muslim lands who face persecution and difficulties because they are Christians, even as they seek to love others with the love of Jesus Christ. Pray for those who are still missing loved ones killed on 9/11, and pray for those believers around the world who have lost loved ones through terrorism and persecution directed toward the Church.