Canada (MNN) — The 2010 Winter Olympics have brought with it the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. Just before opening ceremonies, Nodar Kumaritashvili, a Georgian luger, died after a terrible crash. Equally as tragic, Canadian figure skater Joannie Rochette's mother suddenly died at the Games. Despite the thrill of victory, some have felt the agony of defeat.
OneHope is trying to give hope to the hurting, says Blake Silverstrom, their North American Director. OneHope is a ministry that provides the Gospel in a way young people can understand.
Silverstrom says they created a special Olympic edition of the Book of Hope and printed 50,000 of them. "It is being used by local youth groups to reach visiting students. It's kind of a communication piece, and then people who receive them are invited to a number of worship events or Christian activities that are happening all over British Columbia during the Winter Olympic Games."
Silverstrom says athletes sacrifice a lot for just a few moments of fame. He says the luge accident is giving them something to talk about. "To actually perish doing what they have trained to do is a powerful reminder that our life on this planet is so limited. It does help for us to talk about mortality, eternal life and a better life beyond."
More than 100 churches are participating in the outreach. "They're practicing something called 'radical hospitality.' Youth groups are going out and doing great acts of service for visitors, all to be the hands and feet of Jesus in word and deed. So, Book of Hope has been their traveling companion."
The Olympic Book of Hope is targeting middle and high school students. Pray that copies of the Book of Hope will be the seed planted that turns many hearts to Christ.
This year OneHope plans to reach 81 million young people with the Gospel all around the world.