United States (MNN) – e3 Partners is passionate about equipping people to move in the name of Christ, both domestically and internationally.
Five years ago, Marcos, who was living in Honduras at the time, kept having the same dream of a man talking to him, teaching him. He had the dream so frequently he could recall it in detail. But the man’s words were always muffled. The dream’s regular nightly occurrence convinced Marcos it had to mean something. But, he didn’t know what.
An Answered Dream
Fast forward, Marcos married his girlfriend Gabby, and the two made the move from Honduras to a neighborhood in North Carolina. During this season of change, the same dream kept coming back to him. In fact, it was occurring almost weekly. Then, shortly after moving, a neighbor came knocking on his door to invite him to a neighborhood party.
Still being new to the area, Marcos and Gabby decided to attend the party and meet some of their neighbors. The host was a man named Justin.
The thing about Justin, though, is he and his wife are both a part of the e3 Partners’ USA team. And by the end of the party, Justin had invited Marcos and Gabby to a Bible study. Despite not being religious, Marcos accepted. E3’s Jeff Johnston says;
“So the next night, Marcos and Gabby decided to go to Justin’s Bible study. They showed up and spent a couple of minutes talking, getting to know other people and then everyone sat down to begin the bible study. And he said as they sat down he had that déjà vu moment.”
Marcos realized Justin was the man in his dream. More importantly, he realized how through this dream, God had been pursuing him. Johnston shares how Marcos was shocked, and a little terrified by this realization. But he took the dream seriously and asked Justin to teach him and Gabby about God. Over the next few months, Justin did just that. He taught them how to read the Bible, what the stories in the Bible meant, and what it meant to accept Jesus into their lives.
Beyond Baptism
Eventually, Marcos and Gabby chose to follow Christ and were baptized. However, this is not where the story ends. Justin continued to disciple and teach the couple, pouring into them his knowledge of how to disciple, too.
“Over the course of the last year, Marcos and Gabby have since then started their own home church in North Carolina, their own Bible studies, and [have] reached several other people in their neighborhood, and in their hometown in North Carolina. But they’ve also gone back several times to Honduras to do the same thing. And they’ve helped to start churches in Honduras,” Johnston shares.
“What started as just this reoccurring dream that he had no idea what it meant or what it was trying to tell him turned into just this unstoppable movement of the Gospel because Marcos and Gabby have now devoted their life to reaching other people with the Gospel.”
Marcos’s story goes to show how reaching out in one’s own neighborhood has the potential for global impact. And all it takes is a walk down the street and a neighborly visit.
Get Involved
So, take an evening stroll and connect with some of the people doing life on your block. But, if you are unsure of what to do after reaching a neighbor’s front door, check out e3 Partners’ training resources online or contact the training team for help.
“There [are] lots of people all over the country and lots of groups that are doing this weekly, if not daily, and they’re always looking for more people to go out with them,” Johnston explains.
“These people are literally just going out and knocking on doors, and asking people if they can pray with them or if there’s anything they can pray for.”
Will you pray? Pray for God to open up opportunities to share the Gospel during everyday life. Ask God to guide Marcos and Gabby, and their work. Finally, pray for more people to be emboldened to share God’s Word in their own communities and make an everlasting impact right where they live.