India (MNN) — Monika is a 10-year-old girl living in India. Today, her parents and sister are a close family growing in the Lord. However, not long ago, life looked very different for Monika.
Growing up in India, Monika’s father was more preoccupied with alcohol than his family. He squandered away what little money they had on his addiction. When he was drunk, he would also become violent and abusive.
But then, Bartholomew* with Mission India says, one of their ministry partners started a Children’s Bible Club in Monika’s village.

Children’s Bible Club with Mission India waves hello! (Photo courtesy of Mission India)
“She started attending this Children’s Bible Club and over time, Monika just started learning about Jesus and what He did for her…and what Jesus could do for her family.”
Monika learned to pray to her Heavenly Father for the first time. She started praying that God would change her dad’s heart. Her mom even started to pray too.
Eventually, God answered Monika’s bold prayers.
“Her father came to realize what his addiction was doing to the family and…started to not drink anymore and started going to church. So through this Children’s Bible Club and through Monika, this little 10-year-old girl changed the family’s story for the better. By the love of Jesus and through this Bible Club, Monika was able to see her family transformed. So we were just really moved by this.”
It costs just one dollar to send one kid to a Children’s Bible Club with Mission India. So at some point, someone gave just one dollar to Mission India, which allowed Monika to join the Bible Club. And that one dollar ended up introducing her entire family to Jesus.
If you give to Mission India before the end of April, your gift will be matched by their India’s Children 2018 Matching Challenge.
Click here to give to Mission India!
Bartholomew explains, “For every dollar you give, it will be doubled up to $300,000 by the end of April. We’re just excited that there are more Monikas that could be touched by this matching grant.”
It’s not uncommon for Mission India to see spiritual transformation in an entire family when the kids attend a Children’s Bible Club.

(Photo courtesy of Mission India via Facebook)
“They are bringing Jesus back to these communities and to their homes. There are plenty of Monikas that are part of these Children’s Bible Clubs who go back to their families and we read tons of stories of the redemption that takes place.”
As you give, please commit to praying for Mission India’s ministry. “We would just request prayers over our partners and the people who are implementing these programs. Those who know Mission India know that we don’t send missionaries. We partner with fellow believers in India to do the work that God has called us to do. So we just pray for protection of those partners and their families. We also ask for prayer for the children who will be attending these Children Bible’s Clubs in the future.”
*Name changed for security purposes.