International (MNN) — The question 'why re-invent the
wheel?' plays strongly into the focus of
WordWinds International's ministry. Of
the world's nearly seven-thousand languages, only 422 have the entire
Bible. That makes their mission
WordWinds' Jarrette Allen explains the thrust of their work.
"We do not necessarily send missionaries, like most organizations do. We
come alongside projects and organizations who are already working in their home
fields and their home countries"
Their reasoning behind their approach is that it's a more
efficient use of resources. Indigenous missionaries tend to be more effective
because they are more numerous, already on the field, and understand and
operate perfectly in the culture around them.
The work they support includes, but is not limited to,
written translation of Scripture, oral recordings of Scripture, education of
translators, furnishing a language with a system of writing, time spent among a
people group learning their language, survey work, creation / revision of
lexicons, publishing of new translations, and all related activities that
support or further this purpose.
Says Allen, there's a lot already being accomplished, but
there's often one main obstacle. "There's a lot of times where these
projects are either at an absolute standstill or really being impeded by lack
of funding."
Their teams also work stateside to raise the awareness about
the needs, and in turn, raise the funds to keep them going. Right now, WordWinds is primarily in Brazil, but they're
looking at exciting growth. "We work alongside the sister organizations to
Wycliffe Bible Translators. We're also
talking about some projects in India,
and then we're talking about one in Pakistan." If you want to help fund Bible translation,
click here .
My daughter, Becky, just completed her Master’s Degree in Linguistics/Bible Translation. Her heart’s desire and life’s ambition is to translate the Bible for a people group who have no Scripture in their heart language. She is currently working with SIM USA – Serving In Missions, and has been assigned to a team working with a large people group in Southeast Asia who have no Bible and still no written language.
While most of her team will be focusing on evangelism and church planting, Becky’s special training makes her instrumental in this language/Bible translation work – which could take 15 years or more to complete.
I understand that MNN’s purpose is to “come alongside projects and organizations who are already working in their home
fields and their home countries”. Would Becky’s ministry be such a project that MNN might consider partnering with? If so, I can provide her contact information.